Staying in touch with former clients is a great way to build your business. But what’s in it for them? Even your closest friends might lose interest if all you ever talk about are your latest listings and the state of the housing market. Here are ideas for making your post-sale communication more meaningful. Each of these could work as a digital message but is ideal for a postcard that clients might keep.

Remember their home anniversary – Each year on the date of closing, send a greeting to past buyer clients that could only come from you—a celebration of the major milestone you accomplished together.

Help around the house – Show clients that you care about their homeowning experience—not just their homebuying one—with maintenance tips, seasonal guides to gardening or weatherproofing, decorating tips, and entertaining ideas.

Provide schedules – Help clients connect with the community by giving them a list or calendar they can refer to throughout the year or the season. Sporting events, concerts, festivals, and farmer’s markets all work well for this. If you can tailor your list to include events you care about personally and are likely to attend, you may set up even more opportunities to spend time with former clients.

Recommend fun favorites – Share your local expertise and a bit of personal flair with suggestions your clients could enjoy, like favorite hikes and picnic spots, daytrip ideas, or regional recipes.

Observe special (or silly) occasions – You don’t have to wait for major holidays to send greetings: Drop a message at the drop of a hat! Birthdays, minor holidays, national “whatever” days, or even occasions you make up yourself can give you the opportunity to show past clients that you are present and ready to be part of their future.

Make it personal – Remember that even handwritten notes can seem formulaic if you are obviously using the same wording with everyone. To really boost your connection, add a message personalized for each client. The more you know—and care—about your clients as people, the more genuinely thoughtful your communication with them can be. It takes time to build lasting relationships with former clients, but doing so can bring lasting results.