When you hear the word influencer, you might think about popular Instagram accounts with advertising endorsements and cultivated lifestyles. But that’s not the only type. For example, real estate influencers are people trusted for their expert level of knowledge and are go-to sources for prospective customers and clients. Here are three ways to establish your authority and develop an engaged audience on social media.
Focus Your Brand
Having a hodge-podge content strategy can get you lost in the mix. To help you gain a truly interested audience, concentrate your marketing on your specialty. Share what you excel at and how you can offer solutions.
Make Authentic Connections
While some social accounts may seem curated or larger than life, don’t create an alternative version of yourself. You can be creative and have fun with the content you share, but it should be genuine to who you are.
Acknowledge Your Followers
Don’t let social media be a one-way street. Instead, foster engagement and connections by responding to comments and feedback, asking questions, and encouraging your followers to get involved.
While it might take some time, being a consistent and trusted resource can help you build a great online community and grow your business.
This helps a lot. Looking forward to trying this out moving forward for my brand.